
Pet Psychics

If you have pets, you may have wandered whether they know what you are thinking.

What if your dog runs in circles when you think about playing ball with them?

The logical explanation for this can be your dog must have seen you glance at a ball.

“But pet psychics, also known as animal intuitives or animal communicators would explain this event a little differently.

According to most pet psychics, you communicate with your pets telepathically all the time, without even knowing it.

Your dog gets ready to play because of signals you send with your mind, not because of your actions.

Pet psychics or animal communicators claims to communicate with long dead animals while others can be characterized as animal communicators or animal psychologists.

The term psychic refers to an alleged ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through what is described as extra sensory perception.”

Are pet psychics real?

That is the question.

My personal opinion, yes!!

What do you think?

Losing a friend

“The only best place to bury a dog is in the heart of his master.”

When it comes to losing a beloved pet, your world changes, your lose a friend, companion and a mate!!

Losing a pet is a heartbreaking moment that will make you cry and feeling empty and life after that will never be the same.

If you are facing this reality and can't cope with the idea that your pet is not around anymore remember the following:

A dog chooses you because he loves you,

He loves you notwithstanding your weaknesses and falseness,

He is sincere and bears no grudge,

He will stay by you whether you are poor or rich, healthy or sick,

He has deep emotions and will sense it easily when you grieve,

What he feels he shows and what he shows is sincere,

He shows that he is glad to see you and is aware of your smile!!

Remember the love and joy your pet gave you and in all the sadness keep in mind:

“God's finger touched him and he slept.”

The difference between sheep and a lion

“I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins.

I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd.

I am a lion and refuse to talk, to walk or to sleep with the sheep.

The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed!”


1 A dog's parents will never visit you

2 A dog loves you when you leave your clothes on the floor

3 A dog limits its time in the bathroom to a quick drink

4 A dog never expects you to telephone

5 A dog will not get mad at you when you forget its birthday

6 A dog does not care about the previous dog in your life

7 A dog does not get mad when you pet another dog

8 A dog never expects flowers on Valentine's Day

9 The later you are, the happier the dog is to see you

10 A dog does not shop


1 Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public

2 Dogs miss you when you are gone

3 Dogs feel guilty when they have done something wrong

4 Dogs admit when they are jealous

5 Dogs are very direct about wanting to go out

6 Dogs do not play games with you ~ except fetch

7 You can train a dog

8 Dogs are easy to buy for

9 Dogs understand what “no” means

10 Dogs mean it when they kiss you

My Blessings -

the Angels will keep you save through the night.

The Dog's Rules (according to the dog)

1 The dog is not allowed in the house.

2 Okay, the dog is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

3 The dog is allowed in all the rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.

4 The dog can get on the old furniture only.

5 Fine, the dog is allowed on the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep
with the humans on the bed.

6 Okay, the dog is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.

7 The dog can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the covers.

8 The dog can sleep under the covers by invitation only.

9 The dog can sleep under the covers every night.

10 Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the dog!

Animal Spirit Totem

“Whatever happens to the beast, 
also happens to the man. 
All things are connected.”
Chief Seattle
Suwamish Tribe


Webster's Dictionary defines a totem as: “a natural object usually an animal that serves as a distinctive, often venerated emblem or symbol. A means of personal or spiritual identity”

In pagan religions and systems spirit animals or totem is meant to be a representation of the traits and skills that you are supposed to learn or have.

In an article by Presley Love spirit animals are dealt with as follows: “as you begin to engage with the totem animals, also known as power animals, spirit animals and guides you will start to recognize the synchronization and you will want to understand the hidden messages all around you that are “hidden in plain sight” and you will be recognizing that there are signs and messages everywhere.

Animal totem messages are meant to bring you signs and clarity to help you make decisions, showing that you are not alone, that in fact you are being guided at all times, in all things if you look but closer to see symbols and signs the Universe is giving you.
Spirit animals are ancient in legend, myth and lore.

Animals are replete with symbolism and messages that will touch your spirit and stir your soul, awaking your consciousness to higher aspects of yourself and your destiny.”

Find your spirit animal and be guided 

The Paint Box

Each colour glowing with delight;
I had a paint box with colours
Warm and cool and bright

I had no reds for wounds and blood
I had no white for the face of dead
I had no yellow for burning sands

I had orange for joy and life
I had green for buds and blooms
I had blue for clear bright skies
I had pink for dreams and rest

I sat down
And painted


To create this picture of peace in the life of a pet, we as pet owners must insure that we have happy pets!!

What is the 6 signs of a happy pet, in an article that was published by the Smart Living Network, written by Bri Luginbille the following is the most important signs.

Though they can't actually tell us how the feel, there are several non~verbal ways a happy dog express his/her contentment:

1 Their eyes:

Their eyes actually change the shape and size with their emotions.

A happy dog will relax them and leave their eyes they way they are.

They will appear normal in size and shape, it shows they are at ease with you and the environment around them.


2 Their mouth:  

A relax, open, “smiling” mouth communicates that the dog is pleased.


3 Their ears:

When a dog is feeling friendly, he will put his ears back.

4  Their tails:

The tail of a dog can tell us so many things.

If your dog is feeling relaxed they will hold their tail in it's normal position.

A happy dog will way their tail from side to side. She is saying “I love you and I want to tell you how happy I feel.”

A REALLY happy dog will express her feelings by wagging her tail. Her tail may even travel in a circular motion.

5 Their hair:
The amount of hair that a dog shed may allude to how they are feeling.

A happy dog will shed as much as they normally do.


6 Their body posture:      

When a dog stands normally, this means the dog is at ease.

A playful dog will look similar except be bouncing and jumping around to show their excitement!!”

In the end to know our friends are happy, can give as peace.

Make sure you keep your four legged friend happy!!

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself”
Author unknown


Euthanasia: Saying goodbye

“Saying goodbye to a special pet can be the hardest thing of all,

It is losing a friend who was always their for you,

A companion in time of loneliness,
A comfort in moments of sadness,
An everyday joy that touched your life.

Saying goodbye to a special pet can be the hardest thing of all;

Until I remember I'd never trade one precious memory or one single moment spent with the pet who brought so much warmth to my life and left so much happiness in my heart”

Author unknown

We always fear losing these pets that mean so much to us. Nevertheless, that time inevitably comes. So how do we pet owners face our pet's mortality.

How do we face euthanasia?

The theme to keep in mind when you contemplate how you will act at your pet's final moment is to remember that euthanasia is a completely personal experience. You have to decide what is best for you and your pet.

“How do you know when it is time to euthanasia a pet:

To say goodbye, it is here important that if a veterinarian is of the opinion that euthanasia is often a blessing and a gift to a suffering animal.

It is never easy, but if a pet have a life threating disease, the pet owner and the veterinarian must promise each other that they would not let the pet suffer. When the time come and you must decide a though thing and put the pet to sleep rather than allow him to suffer you must know that every pet illness and situation is different”

Dr Andy Roark

While some pets die of old age in the comfort of their own home, many other become seriously ill.

“The American Humane Association, have some signs that may indicate your pet is suffering or no longer enjoying a good quality of life:

The signs are:

1 He is experiencing chronic pain,
2 He has frequent vomiting or diarrhea that cases dehydration and/or weight loss,
3 He has lost appetite and has stopped eating or will only eat if you force him to eat,
4 He is incontinent,
5 He lost interest in all or most of his favorite activities,
6 He cannot stand and he has chronic labored breathing or coughing”

There is no single rule that can be followed for when it is time to help your best friend cross the rainbow bridge.

For all of you standing in front of this decision, may you find guidance and comfort!!

Reincarnation of pets

Losing a friend, it happens!

How do we compare with the fine characteristics of our beloved dogs?

Here are a few nice thoughts:

A dog choose you because he loves you,
He loves you notwithstanding your weaknesses and falseness,
He is sincere and bears no grudge,
He has deep emotions, and will sense it easily when you grieve,
What he feels he shows, and what he shows is sincere and he shows that he is glad to see you, and is aware of your smile.

But what if he dies?

“There is such a thing as an animal spirit returning to a different body.

These souls will return for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they return to a former human care giver.

Keep in mind that when a animal chooses to return to a body it is the soul essence or spirit of the animal returning but not necessarily their previous emotional or physical image.
They will almost always show a personality trait”
Annette Betcher

The phenomenon of animal reincarnation: Alexis Brooks

“Animal reincarnation is a subject that has been discussed within the larger subject of past lives and has increased in interest.

Due, in part to the burgeoning trend of animal companionship as a central part of the modern social framework.

Although we don't fully understand how reincarnation works, the re~entrance of the soul into physical form seems to be a consistent part of the framework of reality.

Why would animals be precluded from this process?”

Renowned animal afterlife and reincarnation expert Brent Atwater says: “after the death of a pet and during your pet loss grief, hold faith in your heart that your pet's life force energy and love is never ending.

Even if you are skeptic, what have you got to lose by considering the possibility?

If it is what you contracted to do it might just be only a matter of time until your beloved animal companion returns to be with you.”

If you have lost your pet, companion animal, soul dog and forever baby child, don't lose hope.

Listen to your heart, watch your dreams, and follow your soul's knowing.

Each dog's soul is a spirit composed of eternal energy that lives forever in all that is!!

Animal dreams

Dreams can be regarded as “windows on the subconscious mind”, and through them we can view our innermost feelings and creative thoughts in a way that allows us to confront and hopefully, resolve problems in our waking lives. Philip Clucas

As in a previous blog I made mention about dreams about dogs and their meaning, today let's look at other animals and there meaning.

“A Bird: In dreams they become symbols of personal freedom. A vision of flock of birds is a sign of prosperity.

A Butterfly: The butterfly is invariably perceived as a positive symbol to the dreamer and represents the magical powers of transformation and renewal. Spirituality, a butterfly dream signifies the psyche's desire to move forward to greater spiritual awareness.

An Eagle: In a dream represents the qualities of strength and self enlightenment. 

A Fish: In many cultures fish are regarded as symbols of fecundity, and their lives spent in the depths make them dream omens of creativity and inspiration. 

A Horse: The presence of this magnificent animal in a dream serves to remind sleepers of the latent powers of their own bodies. Horse dreams are essentially about energy, and how we chose to channel it in the pursuit of our ambitions.

A Spider: They represents the qualities of patience and tenacity.

A Rabbit: In dreams a rabbit is usually a harbinger of good luck.”

“The Dreamcather an A~Z guide to your dreams and what they mean” Philip Clucas

Sweet dreams ............

The Creation Verse

“When God had made the earth and sky,
The flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals and all the birds and bees.

After when His work was finished not one was quite the same,
He said: “I will walk this earth of mine and give each one a name”

And so He traveled land and sea and everywhere He went, a little creature followed Him until it's strength was spent.

When all were named upon the earth and in the sky and sea, the little creature said: “Dear Lord, there is no name left for me”

The Father smiled and softly said: “I have left you to the end, I have turned my own name back to front and called you DOG my friend!”
Author unknown

Look after your friend!!!!

A love letter from your dog just for you!!!! Embrace the love!! Kisses, kisses!!!!!!!

Just to pretty and a smart move!! Poor baby!!!!

Have a kiss baby!!!!!

Mouse love!!!

Mouse love!!! This is so beautiful and cute!! Don't you just want to get a little creature like them???

Giraffe loving!!! Mother and baby and a kiss!!!!! Sweet

Cat loving!!!!! Look at those faces, kiss able cute

Is it not the truth?? Be kind today!

Archangel Ariel

“Fairies are angels who reside very close to the Earth so that they can perform their Divine Mission of protecting nature and animals” Doreen Virtue

Together with these Fairies our animals have their own Archangel, Ariel, for protection.

“Archangel Ariel has appeared in Coptic, Apocryphal and mystical Judeo~Christian writings as an overseer of nature.

Ariel is a healing angel who works closely with Archangel Raphael, especially when it comes to helping birds, fish and other animals” Doreen Virtue

To have the knowledge that Archangel Ariel are taking care of our animal kingdom makes you realize that the acts of hurting animals and not taking proper care of animals,are witness by a Divine Source.

It is reassuring to know that somewhere there is an Angel looking and watching over our animals and pets.

I am of the opinion that all pets have Ariel as a source of love, protection and safe keeping.

With this Angel watching over my beloved pets I can rest in the knowledge that she will guide me to love, protect and be a friend to my dogs!!

May Archangel Ariel, this Divine Angel, be with your pets!!

The meaning and the dream:

“If a man aspires toward a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals” Leo Tolstoy

Doreen Virtue and her life purpose card of animals started this journey with me writing. That and my love, passion and understanding of animals kind and gentle hearts.

The Animal Card as I understand it as set out by Doreen Virtue means:

1“ You have keen animal communication abilities
2 You love animals
3 Animals love you
4 You stand up for their rights
5 The Animal Card is a validation for you to trust these intuitive insights and your inner guidance about ways to connect with the animal kingdom”

The perfect combination of what your love for animals truly means and as set out a validation that you with inner guidance can connect with animals and therefore you can be their friend, protector and guardian.

Is it not the most noble role you as human being can have?

For me it makes me stand still and appreciate the fact that I were given this task to complete in my life journey,  to be kind and compassionate to all animals and in this, really life a live of peace, love and integrity and being happy, complete and knowing that somewhere in a small animals life I did make a difference and that I was loved by animals and their love sustained me through all my sad moments in life.

I dream about animals, dogs mostly and in the book “The Dreamcatcher an A~Z guide to your dreams and what they mean” by Philip Clucas he explains the meaning of dreaming of dogs;

“In dreams about humankind's best friend the qualities of loyalty and determination feature prominently; they symbolize the dreamer's desire to balance their sense of loyalty with their needs for self-esteem and approval”

Something to think about ..........

May you have happy dreams!