
The meaning and the dream:

“If a man aspires toward a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals” Leo Tolstoy

Doreen Virtue and her life purpose card of animals started this journey with me writing. That and my love, passion and understanding of animals kind and gentle hearts.

The Animal Card as I understand it as set out by Doreen Virtue means:

1“ You have keen animal communication abilities
2 You love animals
3 Animals love you
4 You stand up for their rights
5 The Animal Card is a validation for you to trust these intuitive insights and your inner guidance about ways to connect with the animal kingdom”

The perfect combination of what your love for animals truly means and as set out a validation that you with inner guidance can connect with animals and therefore you can be their friend, protector and guardian.

Is it not the most noble role you as human being can have?

For me it makes me stand still and appreciate the fact that I were given this task to complete in my life journey,  to be kind and compassionate to all animals and in this, really life a live of peace, love and integrity and being happy, complete and knowing that somewhere in a small animals life I did make a difference and that I was loved by animals and their love sustained me through all my sad moments in life.

I dream about animals, dogs mostly and in the book “The Dreamcatcher an A~Z guide to your dreams and what they mean” by Philip Clucas he explains the meaning of dreaming of dogs;

“In dreams about humankind's best friend the qualities of loyalty and determination feature prominently; they symbolize the dreamer's desire to balance their sense of loyalty with their needs for self-esteem and approval”

Something to think about ..........

May you have happy dreams! 


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