
The Miracle Journey Begins:

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” Martin Luther King jnr

And with that I will start this journey of detailing my passion for animals, their rights, their influence on a human being, their uniqueness and their unspeakable love for people. And our love and trust in them, our commitment to better their lives, our struggle for their protection and our childhood memories of a pet that made us more human.

Animals taught me the words of Marcus Aurelius “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live”

Animals is a heartbeat to me, a reason and a purpose that makes me a person I can be proud of no matter what society has labeled me!! 

About the love they give unconditionally and the love we have for the creatures in our life!!!

“Trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide” Carl Gustav Jung

Awhile back I had the privileged to get my life purpose carts of Doreen Virtue to be explained to me. What a revelation I imagined something about animals and behold it was the animal purpose cart!

Not a surprise because animals are such a integral part of my life that I was overwhelmed by emotions that somewhere in the big universe that particular card were meant for me.

What does it exactly mean next time I will explain it! 

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